
 November is here and the first flourishes of Fall are now in full bloom, so to speak.  While it is tempting to jump straight to Christmas, I will spend the weeks leading up to the ultimate Fall holiday -- Thanksgiving -- continuing to revel in Fall.  This month is a busy one for MarigoldGray-- next week we will attend a book signing for Michael S. Smith's new book at John Rosselli"s New York show room AND we will visit Hudson, New York for the auction of property from CZ Guest's Templeton estate at Stair Galleries.  Almost too much to be thankful for this month!  Alas, while I Iove prepping for and hosting Thanksgiving Dinner at Somerset Road,  this year we will likely be at a restaurant as our kitchen is under construction.   On the bright side, no dishes to wash!  There will be much to write about this month so please continue to follow us on the blog and on Instagram as well as shopping our great finds.

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